I still have the one I bought new, yes it did little useful work though
So do I. Unfoprtunaely the 7805 died on mine and took out the SC/MP
processor (wha were they thinking not putting a heatsink on the
regulaotr???) I never bothered to replace it when you could easily get
SC/MP chips.
the keypad was terrible, I made an external keyboard
for mine.
There was an edge conenctor for that in front of the reset button IRIC.
The pinout wasn't in the manual or on the scheamtic, but it didn't take
long to trace it out.
My MK14 want through 3 versios of on-PCB keyboard. The first oen was a
sheet of conductive rubber and that was totally unsuable. The nect thing
was a Sinclair 'upgrade kit' (I was foolish in those days...) which
consisted of 20 plasick buttons, 20 melay click dopes and a double sided
sicky sheet. This went toghter with the metal platem the legened sheet
and the spacer of the original keeboard (omitting the conducive rubber
sheet) to make a keyboard with a click effect and movinng buttons. Still
didn't work very well. I then realses there were 4 solder pads under
each key lcation spaced to take the ltitle keyboard switches that Maplin
sold at the time. Fitting 20 of those in place of the origianl kweyboard
made it useable.