From: "Tony Duell" <ard at>
I also have a crazy decvice called a 'Ferret'.
And then there's the TDMS5
I have a Ferret, and a TDMS (can't remeber if it's a 5 or 6). The TDMS has
an irritating fault with the disrtribuitor (lots of cross connected triodes
in a ring circuit), which I've never got to the bottom of , mainly 'cause I
can't figure out how it works.......
The Ferret is untested, as it has only recently arrived, and is far to
complicated to just dive in.
I also have a TSG40, which is a telegraph signal generator, which will do 5,
7 or 8 unit code, at variable speeds from 40 Baud up.
Tony, I also have two scrap TDMS chassis (a 5 and a 6), which have had the
polar relays, CRT's and valves removed, but they do still have the
transformers, switches and sockets. Do you need any spares, before they get