on 1/25/2005 6:58 AM Devin L. Ganger wrote:
I have a ton of classic and not-so-classic computers
and accessories to
find new homes for.
One additional item:
x1 Tadpole SPARCbook 3GX + accessories + Solaris 7 & Tadpole extensions
Since this includes the media for the retail Tadpole version of Solaris
7 this is also one of the items where I'd like a larger offer.
This is also the only item I'd be reasonably willing to ship (only
within the United States, sorry).
Devin L. Ganger <devin(a)thecabal.org>
"Aikido is based around the central precept of letting an attack take
its natural course. You, of course, don't want to impede that natural
flow by being in its way." -- overheard on the PyraMOO