What I seem to have missed is exactly WHY the 11/93 is
goal as opposed to an equally capable (as far as the software
which can be run) 11/73. The 11/93 might be 33% faster, but
it will probably cost at least 5 times the price.
If you are using a BA23 box, then with 8 available slots, you
should have sufficient slots to accommodate everything you are
likely to need when at present you don't know what you want
to run as software.
At the very least, if you have access to PMI memory, then
even if it costs a little bit more, you will get most of the extra
speed and almost all quad 11/73 (M8190) boards can use
the PMI memory. DEC PMI memory is either 1 MB or 2 MB.
3rd party PMI memory can be 4 MB on a single board. On
a BA23 box, ONLY 2 PMI memory boards are allowed in
front of the CPU of course.
By the way, what software do you want to run? And why is
the DEC hardware itself important?
Jerome Fine
haha... why the 93? Because I pretty much woke up one day and thought
to myself "I'd like to find a PDP", so I looked up which was the smallest/
fastest, and that's the 93. I'm new to the PDP's, so I really truly had no
as to what the going rate is. I'm not opposed to a 73 or 83, but I'm pretty
set on the BA23 pedestal as the ideal form factor, for space/weight reasons.
As to what software, I figured I'd start with V7, Ultrix-11 or something like
that. Hadn't really thought that far ahead though.
Why the DEC hardware? What else is there? :) I've always liked DEC stuff,
and don't usually consider non-DEC stuff for hobby purposes.
After all, isn't most of this stuff just supposed to be for fun/curiosity's