I think we have it solved.
I believe it could be a 1 Meg SRAM. Thanks for the info about IDT. The 16
pieces soldered on the top and bottom seem to have a solder pad pattern of 5
on the ends and 9 on the sides. Would this jibe with the 64KX8 configuration?
Sorry for the "glamour" look to the pictures, it was accidental. I use my
Sony 730 HI-8 videocamera hardwired to a framegrabber in the computer. I have
two adjustable clamp on lights, one incandescent with a magnifier and one
with a round fluorescent that I normally use for photography.
The round light gives fairly even lighting but it was busy so I used the
Incandescent. I was really surprised at the difference. Not only was it much
warmer but the contrast was way up. These are the only pictures I have shot
with that light.
There is only one label on top of one of SRAMs. No other labels except IDT
7M624 plated in gold on top of the ceramic. You should be able to see both in
the pictures.
Thanks for the help.
Astoria, OR