(I *think* the [NCD] 19r's something a bit more
One of the MIPS line (I don't know exactly which one).
don't think an i960 is a MIPS CPU but I might be wrong. :)
Right. But that's not what's in the 19r. Or, at least, it's not
what's in the NCD I have, which is marked as a 19r. It also runs
software which is supposedly for the 19r, and which makes sense when
looked at with a MIPS disassembler.
I also pulled the CPU board from my 19r and scanned it. The scan is
not the best - it's a little out of focus and somewhat dim, because the
board didn't sit very close to the scanner glass - but the writing on
all the chips with enough pin count to be CPUs is legible (though on my
monitor I have to stretch the contrast). It's up for ftp from
ftp.rodents.montreal.qc.ca:/mouse/misc/NCD-CPU/board.pgm and board.gif
for your viewing edification. It's 2549x1771; the chips of particular
interest can be found at 700x400 at 1100,200, 400x400 at 800,900, and
400x400 at 1400,875; those pieces, contrast-stretched, can be found in
.../NCD-CPU/X.YYY where X is A, B, or C and YYY is pgm or gif.
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