Why don't you use a LCD?
I can't speak for others. But, personally, the principal reason is,
they typically look like crap when displaying at anything but their
native resolution and are too stupid to be told to fix it.
If the display in question has an option to black-surround rather than
scaling, that would help - but it's been a long time since I saw one of
those. (Ideal would probably be to scale by the largest possible
_integer_ factor, but I don't think I've ever seen that, at all.)
Often, even when scaling, they get it wrong - I regularly see peecee
BIOS text consoles (which you'd think would be the best-supported case
for scaling) cutting off one or even two character positions on one
side or the other.
While it isn't likely to apply to the IIe case, I also find flatscreens
obnoxious because, when fed higher resolution than they expect, they
don't display _anything_. A CRT will generally squish it to fit and
(perforce) drop pixels because the shadow mask is too coarse, but
it'll usually do something recognizable. Admittedly, this is not a
fault with the basic technology but a fault of the interface logic, but
it correlates well enough with the basic technology in my experience.
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