The Comodore Trademark has been sold and resold in Holland in the last six years
as far as I can tell both the Tulip and the Escom company have at least been
of the trade mark and at least one of them payed no more than Fl 100,- (=$40,-)
I dont know if this applied only to a dutch (benelux) trademark or the worldwide
If the comodore company once again exists it is certainly not the same company
that gave us the VIC & the C64.
My guess is that the trademark was for grabs once more and somebody
is trying to beat a few more bucks out of it.
Branding a run off the mill clone with the comodore logo and supplying a
couple of emulators and a special keyboard with it, truely sounds like a hype in
making. It'll blow over pretty soon.
Sipke de Wal
> The site looks raw enough to dissuade me from
believing anything will come
> out of this. And how is it going to benefit with having a 6502 onboard as
> claimed if there will also be a 200-500Mhz processor, and everything else
> indicates emulation? It's obvious this will simply be a PC, and putting
> together a machine with the specs this one will supposedly have requires
> some expensive engineering.
> Look lower on their page, where they advertise the C= PC. I think that
> tells us what they truly are trying to sell. The "Next Generation C64"
> just hype to suck you in.