"Portable" was widely [mis]used by marketing.
I gave my parents their first color TV. It was a used "portable", with
two handles on each end.
Was it a delta gun or a PIL CRT? The reason I ask is that the former is
not sterctily portable (no matter what hendles are on the cabinet) since
you have to set it up in the location it is to be used.
One version of the double-rack Philips P850 minicompuer (which weighs
around 50kg) had a plastic outser casing with handles. It was claiemd 4
people could carryi t betweem them. I guess when many other computers
came in 6' racks or air conditioned rooms, this was 'portable'.
And IIRC HP solde carrying handle kits for the HP9100 and HP9800 series
of machines. All mains powered machines, of course.