I think it is a manual indicator to help you see which ones you have used,
the idea being, if you had several and charged them all, you would flick
them all over one way, and as you used them you would flick them over to
red.... but I could be wrong! Hi tech or what?
Toshibas normally have a constant led when recharging, a flashing led
normally indicates that the batttery is knacked, although sometimes if you
completely remove the battery and leave it a while it would work.... but I
could be wrong!
I hope it helps
-----Original Message-----
From: Colan Mitchell [mailto:cdrmool@interlog.com]
Sent: 30 June 1999 11:46
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: Toshiba T1200 laptop battery question
I KNOW that this would have been dealt with somewhere but can't find it so
standard apologizes are applicable.
On the little battery pack on the T1200 laptop, there is a little
switch (breaker?) that in one position is read and on the other is closed.
What the heck does it mean and what position does it go to for recharging.
I've hooked it up to a 12v adapter and the little red light on the upper
left hand corner of the laptop blinks which is what my old Sanyo would do
on a recharge. Is it the same for the Toshiba?