In the early eighties we got a unit which we think is a Incoterm SPD 900
intelligent terminal. At that time it was running just fine. Until now we
had it in store but it has not been tested again lately.
Now I would like to see if it is possible to get it running again. It is
quite interesting in that it is a display unit with built in computer. The
CPU is a Incoterm proprietary implementation with a core memory. Attached
to this display unit there is a disk unit that employs hard sectored
The machine was running an operating system called SPD/DOS. Actually there
were all sorts of software for this machine as I recall. Even small games.
An early personal computer in some sense.
When searching the net I came across this post by Al Kossow. Well
now, more than 12 years later, I can confirm that the disk found by Al is
from an Incoterm system running the SPD/DOS system.
Anyway. I have put together a page with some information on it:
If there is anyone that can enlighten me more about this unit I would
appreciate it. If there would be engineering drawings available I am very
During my searches on the net I found this page with mostly ex Incoterm
people disussing:…
Another interesting thing is that the SPD/DOS reference manual still can
loaned from a library in Sweden.*swe/?searchtype=X&SORT=D&searcharg=SPD…
Apparently at Karolinska Institutet in Huddinge south of Stockholm. Maybe I
should go and find it there...
The reason for being available is probably that these terminals were used
by the Swedish LIBRIS II system at several libraries in Sweden.