It might seem like that, but the scrappers are
probably getting in 40 or 50'
trailers full of stuff, so they don't have time to admire anything that can
just be handled like any other bulk scrap. He is probably paying dearly for
the space he operates in, so every 4 x 5' space he wasted storing something
so we can do the old soft shoe and low ball him is a lot of space he can't
store crap to sort, to get the trailers empty for the next.
This is by no means universally true. There are a lot of scrappers
(probably more those with fingers into the surplus business) that have
quite a lot of space with very low overhead. These are the guys that
can store things. Sometimes I even see stuff hanging around for years
- not because they are holding onto it for huge money, but simply
because if gets pushed to the back as a new load comes in.