Since I have never posted anything to Usenet in 11 years, and since I
have always used a Unix shell account running Pine - I get relatively
little spam. There was a case some years ago where some enterprising
HAX0R catted the user directory and got all of Netcom's userids...
I have never found any correlation between classiccmp ad spam levels...
I curently get one or two Nigerian offers a month, 7-10 Winning Poker ads,
7-10 Home Mortgage Refinance, an/or Ultimate Vacation Offer, and, lately,
once or twice a week, some thoughful person offers to sell me some Stuff
to make my YuNoWhat bigger... I don't know whether to to be flattered or
offended - so I just delete it all.
I am not including the spam that filters onto the List itself (as a
recipient), I am citing the examples that are addressed to me personally.
Actually I get spam through Panix itself, the Lists I'm subscribed to, and
personal spam - at a ratio of about 40/40/20 percent. Even at that, it
amounts to 10 or 15 a week, and the DEL key kills 'em all, save for the
few creative or utterly moronic amateur examples that I file away.
Just now there's a news item circulating as to how we can expect a
coming barrage of spam, and also as to how various Big Retailers are
gearing up to flood our collective mailboxen. And you thought you hated
Sanford Wallace sufficiently...