Jerry Wright wrote:
>>> At 10:26 PM -0800 1/7/13, Jerry Wright
>> The system has
>> M8189 cpu
>> M8067 memory 256k
>> M8029 RX02
>> M8061 RL02
>> M8639 HD controller
>> Everything works except the M8061. Jumpers are set to Factory
>> default.
>> I did add the Q22 jumper just in case. There is always a chance
>> its a bad
>> controller card.
>> The drive will come on line but that's about it. If I try to boot
>> from it. i get
>> an
>> error, 'no controller' . If its running under RT11, booted off the
>> RX02 , I get
>> 'cant read directory '
>> Any words of wisdom out there
After you boot RT-11, perform:
command and see if the M8061 controller has been recognized.
Since you have strapped the M8061 as the factory setting, it
should be at the standard CSR and VECTOR. RT-11 will display:
"Not installed"
if the M8061 is not recognized (something is not working). If:
is displayed, then the M8061 is being recognized, although that
does not mean the M8061 is working correctly. Which you
obviously realize, but are asking for help in determining what
exactly is the problem:
(a) M8061 controller
(b) RL02 drive
(c) Cables
(d) Rl02 pack
While cables may be OK, it is possible to connect them backwards.
If I remember correctly, when that happens, the RL02 RED fault
light is on - unless it is burned out. Of course, one of the cables
could have a broken wire. At this point, it seems like you have the
RL02 isolated as the problem, but you will need help from a hardware
individual to figure out the best way to solve the problem. BUT, be
very careful since a bad pack can damage a drive which then damages
other packs.
Below is a brief print out of the messages . I will have to go back
to the hardware trouble shooting. I did not feel up to packing a
RL02 around tonight.
It always nice to have some one look over your shoulder and confirm
that what you are doing looks right.
Type ? for HELP
Enter one of [Boot, Diagnose, Help, List, Map]:bo dl0
Type ? for HELP
Enter one of [Boot, Diagnose, Help, List, Map]:bo du1
RT-11XM V05.01B
Device Status CSR Vector(s)
------ ------ --- ---------
DU Resident 172150 154
NL Installed 000000 000
DD Installed 176500 300 304
DL Installed 174400 160
DY Installed 177170 264
LD Installed 000000 000
LS Installed 173400 220 224
SL Installed 000000 000
VM Not installed 177572 000
XL Installed 176500 300 304
SP Installed 000000 110
?DIR-F-Error reading directory
Another command which will check the RL02 system
without the requirement for a valid directory to be present is:
^C typed TWICE (VERY QUICKLY) will terminate the dump.
If no blocks are dumped from the first command, try the second.
If you still get no blocks, then you need to determine which of
(a) , (b), (c) or (d) is causing the problem - or something else
which can also happen, although it would be unusual. For me,
fixing any of the above four requires duplicate hardware which
I use to replace the bad hardware. Tony Duell knows how to
fix hardware and takes the opposite point of view. Indeed,
Tony abhors what I suggest. I agree with Tony, but I do not
have the hardware skills or the knowledge - and at 74 years
old will not be looking to acquire it. Which is why I tend to
stick now to running PDP-11 instructions under an Emulator
on my PC and why I had a local PDP-11 hardware addict
take all of my RL02 drives, racks and packs away.
While I realize you are probably not that familiar with RT-11,
the "SHOW DEVICE" list is the sort of information which
is needed in the first place. While I would not be able to
do anything with the above information, individuals who are
able to fix hardware, such as Tony, at least know where to start.
For myself, about the only thing I am able to do is to
substitute items that are working from a hardware point
of view. Since the M8061 might be working, at least
based on the "SHOW DEVICE" information, then
the next step which is the easiest would be to change
the RL02 pack - subject to my warning, of course.
If you don't have multiple hardware and you can't
repair items, then I suggest that you evaluate if you
are using the RL02 just to be able to have the satisfaction
(hardware addicts are like that) of hearing, smelling and
seeing the RL02 run.
As a software addict, my focus is very different and does
not depend on the hardware I am using, only the PDP-11
instructions which are being executed. My challenge and
enjoyment is fixing bugs and making enhancements in the
software. RT-11 still has many bugs, a few of which are
serious. For reasons which I have not been able to fully
understand, I find a great deal of satisfaction in finding
and fixing those bugs PLUS adding enhancements. Just
one example of an enhancement that I recently found
could be included is code which informs an RT-11 user
which Emulator of SimH, Ersatz-11 or V11 is being used -
if any. I realize that this probably seems crazy to any
hardware addicts, but I guess the challenge if why it is
so much fun and so satisfying.
Jerome Fine