On 8/25/13 12:25 PM, Brian Marstella wrote:
On 08/25/2013 01:00 AM, Dave Land wrote:
On 8/24/13 9:08 PM, mc68010 wrote:
On 8/24/2013 7:18 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:
A bit of caution--some Wang 8" floppies that I've seen are 32-sector
hard-sectored floppies, (e.g. Wang 0063) and are not identified as
such on the box.
More the reason to save them from becoming part of a coffee table.
Already gone. :P Oh well...
As no one else expressed interest earlier, I've gone ahead and purchased
these since I have a need for a few 8" floppies. However, I'd be willing
to sell 4 or 5 of them once I receive them at cost plus shipping. This
is the first batch I've found that were affordable.
Any idea if they're hard or soft sector? I have a Xerox 820-II, but I'm
pretty sure it's soft-sector discs only. Thanks.
Dave Land
Land Computer Service
Check out my site at