<It'll run as a 3 channel logic analyser, up to 100MHz. 3 channels doesn't
<sound like much, and compared to a 32 channel benchtop analyser it isn't.
<But it's enough to tell if there ever is overlap between D and clock on a
<flip-flop or somethign like that
Gotta get me one of those.
<[Trivial reason] It has selectable input thresholds. Most logic probes
<are TTL only, or maybe TTL and CMOS switchable. The LogicDart will do ECL
<levels. It'll even work with the -15V logic used in the HP9100...
My suggestion was adaquate to get that person out of a jam if need be.
Simple probles are fairly easy to make. Another useful tools is a
14/16pin logic clip, a self powered clicp that displays the pins as
leds. it has it limits but can be handy. If there is a point sometimes
the expensie spread is not needed to see that an input or output is simply