True, but that also depends on what type of media the digital stuff
is stored on.
On 09/02/2011 02:56 AM, Adrian Stoness wrote:
film will outlast a solar flare though
On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Dave McGuire<mcguire at> wrote:
> On 08/31/2011 07:45 PM, Toby Thain wrote:
>> Is it at least the case that someone can "see the damn image"
>>> is usually the end point of digital imaging anyway) even if a lot of the
>>> metadata, layering, etc etc aren't usable?
>> Unless the "flattened" (composited) image is baked in, then you can
>> most of the constituent parts (e.g. image layers, masks) but you can't
>> see what the whole would actually look like. Which is why my tool is
>> really aimed at scavenging what can be scavenged
>> (**svn/psdparse/trunk<…
there's a very fast
>> command line converter to Gimp XCF in there, too).
>> As for metadata, some of the structure of it is documented, but detailed
>> interpretation is another matter. Again -- this speaks to a desire to
>> hinder competition& interoperability. If the Gimp knew exactly how to
>> render a PSD, then this would probably eat away at Adobe's extortionate
>> licensing :)
> I hear you there. But what about getting just a human-usable version of
> the image, without all the metadata? The original discussion here was
> comparing the non-losability of film-based images (which is a farce anyway,
> as negatives do deteriorate over time no matter how well-kept they are)
> which won't have all that metadata anyway. If the "flattened" image
> present in a particular PSD file (is it possible for it not to be?) is it at
> all possible to "get there from here", as it were?
> -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire
> Port Charlotte, FL