Just picked up an interesting unit at a hamfest, there was a box with a
large power supply, a long tube with BNC connectors at each end(some sort
of attenuator I suppose), and a large jumble of cards inside a backplane.
Well, when I just got home now I dug through it, and found a few
interesting things inside. The first card is from Intel, with an 8086 CPU
and some other stuff. Attached to the CPU board are two daughterboards, one
with a connector and an 8272 chip, and another with an 8203 and a bunch of
EPROMs, as well as a lithium battery. There are a 50pin and 26pin edge
connector on the top of the CPU board.
The second board is a Netronix "Multibus PC Network Adapter" card, with an
F-type connector. I don't know much about this type of network system
except I don't have anything to hook into it.
Third card is another one from Intel, labeled "iSBC 576", with another
8086, two connectors on the top, and an SBC576 daughtercard.
Fourth card is a PROSE 2000, with a 26-pin edge connector and another
connector, and a bunch of EPROMs marked "Speech Plus (c)1983", and yet
another 8086 chip. Looks like the company name is Speech Plus Inc. I guess
this is a speech synth.
The last two cards appear to be memory expansion, made by Memtech, and have
a large (50 pin) connector on the top, and "ISBC254S" silkscreened into the
So, does anyone know what to do with this thing? How do I set it up? What
kind of OS does it run? I'm thinking it may have been a repeater
controller(I did find this at a hamfest...), which would make sense, with
the speech synth being the automatic ID'er. Where do I find info on all
this multibus stuff?
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