Depends what you're looking for exactly but I think the swcollect list is
right up your alley.!forum/swcollect
(mailing list). I guess they haven't been chatty lately but most seem to
be game collectors and players who are happy to talk.
I remember one forum having a retro game challenge or something at one
point but that may have been roms or something sort of like a book club
where folks agreed on a game to play and beat that week. Having trouble
remembering where it was though :-/
Surely there's some sort of retrogaming list out there though..
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Josh Miller <jam at> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I know this is slightly off topic, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of,
or is a member of, any mailing lists that are related to computer games,
preferably older, but with the same quality as this list.
Thanks for your time and happy hacking.
- Josh