From: "Ethan Dicks" <ethan.dicks at>
On 4/4/07, Zane H. Healy <healyzh at> wrote:
What about on an -8/a? I believe I've got a
new 128k board for an -8/a,
just don't have an -8/a.
The you also need a KT8A to use the MSC8-DJ 128K memory card (or, IIRC
4 x 32K MSC8-AB boards). They are somewhat rare.
I believe I've got a KT8A or two, and even a working 8/A to put them in,
all within a few miles of Zane. (But I can't take on writing a z-machine
anytime soon.)
I've never seen those particular add-in boards in
a machine in the
wild. I bought mine from DEC resellers.
I bought a set from a fellow collector, but I've also seen them on
ePay from time to time. They don't seem as rare as I'd expected.