On 9/19/13 3:44 PM, Kyle Owen wrote:
What options do I have these days of Tektronix
terminal emulation that
supports color graphics, like the 4206? xterm's Tektronix support is only
for the 4014. Any suggestions would be welcome.
"Tektronix terminal emulation that supports color graphics" covers a pretty wide
range of products.
I would be VERY surprised if there were free 42xx emulators, since they had pretty
sophisticated instruction sets.
Do you have an application you'd like to run that was written for those, or just
looking for something
capable of displaying graphics in color? You might have better luck finding something for
the 402x series, which
is MUCH simpler.
I guess I should look for docs on the 42xx, just noticed I don't have anything on
them. Even the 41xx programming
and service info was tough to find.