On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Bob Wood wrote:
The fact is that I had tentatively made a sale on one
of my Altairs.
That sale was never consummated. With all of the mention of list
subscribers contacting the parties involved in the auction - I think it
is possible that may have contributed to my losing a sale and may
Actually, this is one feature of ebay that I wouldn't like if I were a
seller: your competitors are free to contact your buyer and offer them a
better deal. Before you had even approached Alex, I had warned him to
expect a bunch of Altair solicitations. Hell, I'd be selling all my
Altairs (if I had any) at $12K a pop any day.
But, Doug, now that I have answered your question,
have failed to answer mine. I would be very interested in
hearing your answer.
I have often been accused of offering opinion when not asked, but this is
the first time I have ever been accused of not answering a question :-)
What is your question, Bob? I'd be happy to answer it.
-- Doug