All this talk about frontpanel emulators...
So I have this (mostly) working PDP-11/34, my one and only UniBus
machine. It came with a RK07 drive. But the system was stored under bad
conditions for years. There is rust and corrosion _everywhere_. The
Yeas ago I bought an RK07 which had been flooded by a burst pipe. It was
cheap, and I figured that at least the plastic parts would still be
useable. When I took it off the stand, water poured out of the hollow
baseplate (this is part of the air duct on the RK07,
Anyway, I cleaned it all up, cleaned the heads, cleaned the connectors,
lubricated the fan etc. And then tried it out. Worked fine!
machine works so far but the drive is quite rotten. I
have no other
UniBus disk drive interfaces so I need either a new RK07 (unlikely) or
a replacement for the entire conroler / drive combination or:
What about a RK07 drive emulating hardware?
Wouldn't it be simpler to make a Unibus card with the flash memory and
interface on it that pretended to be a disk controller? The Unibus is
fairly well documented and quite simple.
Problem: Exact and detaild specs of the RK611 <=3D> RK0[67] interface.
I found some hints in the "RK06/RK07 Disk Drive User's Manual" but not
enough to build a new drive from scratch. Any pointers?=20
Do you have the printsets for the drive and controller? I managed to work
out quite a bit of the interface from those.