> Did you have anything to say about it?
> Or are you just dumping a URL on us?
On Sun, 29 May 2016, Evan Koblentz wrote:
Oh come on. He didn't do anything wrong. The link
is clearly on-topic and
directly relevant to our hobby.
1) It was formatted as a malware offer, not as a discussion item,
with NO apparent human generated content.
Am I the only one here who receives emails that consist of malware links?
2) I am not reading my email in a web browser. It is not much difficulty
to copy the URL into a browser, but I'd like a mention of what it is
before being told to "go there".
It only takes a few words to explain why we would be interested in it,
and some sign that it is from our friend, not a bot generated spoof to
get people to a hijacked site. (ransomware upped the stakes on such