At 05:15 PM 10/18/02 -0700, you wrote:
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Joe wrote:
I seriously doubt you'd want to pay for
the shipping! These are built
like a safe with ~3/4" aluminium plate and are roughly 28" cube. I think the
weight is roughly 160 pounds each!
Seriously, these are ex-military so I have my doubts about being able to
ship them outside the US.
At 09:42 PM 10/18/02 +0200, you wrote:
Neat. Are they shippable outside the US?
Did you try Google? 04 hits on UKY-20 including some interesting looking
I found lots of resumes from people that have used them and descriptions
of ships, submarines, etc where they were used but no real details about
them. I did find one site that indicated that they're repackaged Univac
505s, whatever that is! I searched on that and found very little.
They look pretty interesting! One of the pictures I Googled shows a
programmers console (with blinkenlights) in the door. From the lights I would
guess its a 16 bit mini...
To tell the truth I didn't even count the bits on the programmer's panel
(shamefaced). But they do have a PP inside the front cover. I had planned on going back
and getting that later. The picture in this link <>
of the radio room of the USS Missouri shows a UYK-20 in the center of the picture.
It's the unit setting on what looks like a three drawer filling cabinet and it has the
red panel on the front. Just below that red panel you can see a black panel. That's
part of the PP. The outside has fues, error lights etc. If you open the front of the
chaasis, the upper half of it is covered with the PP. The lower half is covered with an
air filter. The filter is directly behind the louvers that you see on the front.
If there end up being several, I would be very interesed in one...
OK. I haven't seen the others yet so I'm not sure exactly what they are. One
person told me that they're the same but another says that they're not exactly the
same so I have to wait and see.