On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Pontus<pontus at update.uu.se> wrote:
Tony Duell wrote:
>> I'm sorry for hi-jacking this topic but,
>>> (VT220s have a common fault that takes out horizontal hold)
> Most of the time it's just a bad contact at the wiper of the horizontal
> hold preset inside.
Plug the
terminal into the mains and power up (you don't need a
keyboard). If the picture locks, power down amd put the cover on....
If you can't get the picture to lock by adjusting the preset, then you
have a more tricky fault to find :-)
My memory served me wrong, or I read the post to fast. Is the symptoms
of a "lost" horizontal hold that the picture will scroll, looping around?
Vertical hold problems are what I would describe as scrolling and
looping. Horizontal hold problems are where the picture breaks from
left to right and tears diagonally.
This vt220 in front of me has no picture at all. I was
using it and
between the blink of my eyes the picture disappeared, no bang, no smoke,
just gone. I think the logic still works, judging by the led indicators
on the keyboard and the satisfying beep it "boots" just fine.
Any ideas where I should start looking?
Me? Besides checking for reasonable voltages at the digital board?
Not really. I'm just fine with diagnosing digital logic, but not so
good with video.