On 3/10/06, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Hmmm, I forgot that DOS 5 or 6 or whatever it is that
I was running came with
help - looks like driveparm *should* do it, except that it's not clear how the
device numbering works...
Oh yes indeed, and it's pretty good.
Instead of using drive letters, it uses drive numbers
- so according to the
docs 0 would be A:, but 1 could either be B: if a second drive was found, or
C: if it wasn't.
Got horribly confused at that point, decided that I didn't want a messed-up
hard disk if the B: drive wasn't seen, and kicked the machine. :-)
Oh, no, it wouldn't do that. Hard drives are addressed totally
differently & there'd be no confusion unless you told
drivparm/driver.sys to use drive C: - not sure what would happen then!
I've gone back to a previous system now which has
a sensible BIOS (and
on-board SCSI and audio, which may be handy for other data recovery stuff
anyway). Shame the case is huge, but at least there's room for four 5.25"
devices, and I could probably shoehorn an 8" drive on it's side in there too
if needs be with a bit of hacksaw work!
Eeeesh. Good luck!
No, nor me - last time was on an XT somewhere around
1990 I think...
How the years and decades fly by...
Liam Proven ?
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