No, I thought the only difference would be the
processor architecture, just
like NetBSD ports. Mind you, a RISC processor might require some more RAM, but
over a hundred megs?
Well, keep in mind you can run OpenVMS with DECwindows on a 16MB MicroVAX II
system, but that doesn't mean you're going to get acceptable performance.
Actually I'm not sure what kind of performance you'll get, I've not tried to
run V7.2 w/DECwindows on anything less than a VAXstation 4000/vlc. I know
people have run it in even less RAM than that even though it's not
Also as far as I know the VAX DECwindows install doesn't include CDE (Common
Desktop Environment) which is something of a pig.
BTW, you can install OpenVMS V7.2 on an Alpha with only 64MB of RAM (I've
heard it won't install on a system with less). However, again that doesn't
mean you'll enjoy it. So the minimum RAM requirements are 16MB for VAX and
64MB for Alpha.
There is a IIGPX at the usergroup, might be fun to put
that screen to better
use than running an enormous NetBSD console.
Go for it, but you might want to run an earlier version of VMS if you can
find it. But even V7.2 is a better use for it than NetBSD :^) After all
the only DEC hardware NetBSD belongs on are the MIPS based boxes :^)