On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 11:00 -0400, Joe R. wrote:
At 01:28 AM 7/10/05 -0700, Tom Jennings wrote:
Public funding for the arts has been reduced to a practical zero
by right-wing corporate goons, sicko christian loonies, and the
dwindling resources that remain go to fewer and fewer recipients.
I couldn't disagree more! It wasn't the right-wing goons, christian
loonies, etc that killed public funding for the arts, it was the sicko,
perverted, frequently pornographic and always ugly work of the "artists"
that killed public funding.
Neither IMHO. Modern Governments don't appear to care about the
population (did they ever?) - they only care about getting re-elected
and being seen to be better than other Governments of the world. That
tends to lead to public-funded entertainment in any form taking a back
seat to things that will result in more profit.
Over here it seems to be getting worse fast, too. Plus we've now got the
Olympics in 2012 which means public funding for anything else is likely
to get cut even further.
Self-sufficiency or private sponsorship are the only way forward for
most projects - but of course private sponsorship is almost impossible
to get for any kind of start-up operation; businesses are only going to
throw money at something that's already achieving a certain amount.