I remember this watch, it was rated for 90G's of shock resistance or
This goes back to 1978 or 1979 I think, but I clearly remember the
unique case style!
Kent Borg wrote:
On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 11:19:12AM -0500, Bill Richman
This is entirely OT, but since we're probably
all gadget freaks here
Let me ask a related question that is a little bit more on topic for
being about something old.
Does anyone here remember the following watch:
- Frequently had full page ad in Science News, early 80s I think it
- top (face) of watch was solar cell;
- front endge of watch was LED display that was dark unless you
pressed a button;
- guts were potted and sealed;
- control was through magnetic switchs, preserving seal;
- and for the really cool feature, the precise speed at which the
watch ran could be trimmed as a soft configuration setting.
Ring any bells?
-kb, the Kent who couldn't afford it then but maybe could now, if he
could find one.