--- woodelf <bfranchuk at jetnet.ab.ca> wrote:
That was about 1982 or so I was thinking of. I did
play but you did send in your IBM cards in the mail
I remember right from the person that did play.
RPG's are still best done by people
with lots of time and DM's who know how to think
have reems of notes.
PC Look for traps ... % 03 snap ... We run umm west
Look for ...
DM Roll Roll Roll % 100 ... Oh dam they found the
back door out
... not the way in I planned.
The best GM's were certifiable nut-cakes. Not in a
bad way :). The lack of lucidity did often make for
very creative scenarios.
I guess the knack though is to compel
player-characters to do what you want them to do. It's
really just like writing a novel.
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