You can also use the KLH10 emulator and run ITS (probably TOPS-20 as well). Both have
MacLisp as well.
Multics, running under the DPS8M emulator, is probably easier to get running, and the OS
is a lot easier to grok than ITS.
? Eric
On Mar 31, 2016, at 3:05 PM, Charles Anthony
< at> wrote:
On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 2:53 PM, ben <bfranchuk at> wrote:
On 3/31/2016 2:58 PM, Swift Griggs wrote:
Get writing that PDP 10 emulator for LISP :)
dps8m emulator:
Multics MR12.6: Serenity Valley Engineering (Channel d.h000)
Load = 12.0 out of 90.0 units: users = 12, 03/31/16 1503.6 pdt Thu
l Anthony u
You are protected from preemption until 15:03.
Anthony.User logged in 03/31/16 1503.7 pdt Thu from ASCII terminal "none".
Last login 03/20/16 1119.4 pdt Sun from ASCII terminal "none".
You have mail.
r 15:03 3.424 60
(print "Multics rulez; UNIX droolz")
"Multics rulez; UNIX droolz"
-- Charles