reason to
change one of the founding principles of this list.
You have to separate the
concept of "age" and "classic". No one is changing
anything actually. The intent was to have a place to talk about "classic"
computers, not just 10 year old computers. Win95 I don't believe is
"classic". I suspect it won't be for a long long time, maybe never, I
I also have a hard time regarding a Pentium-based PC, or Windows 95, as
BUT I don't actually know what 'classic' means when applied to a
computer. I've got plenty of machines that I consider to be classics,
other may not. Equally, I've got some old machines that I _don't_ think
are particularly classic or interesting (and no, I am not talking about
old PC clones only).
Can you please, therefore, give an explicit definition of what you mean
by a 'classic conputer'