Forwarding this to the list in case anyone can help
I presume the fellow found me through my web page about an analog computer,
and/or my page about a Systron Donner counter. I don't have any Systron
Donner analog computers however.
This would, of course, be (the son of) Higinbotham of tennis-for-two fame.
Begin forwarded message:
From: William Higinbotham <higinbotham at>
Date: 2011 October 4 5:36:08 PM PDT
To: <hilpert at>
Subject: Donner Analog Schematics
Dear Brent Hilbert,
? ? ? ? ? (^Hilpert)
?? My name Is William B. Higinbotham, I am the son of William A.
who worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory most of his life.
?? I am writing you because the museums in the US and a local laboratory
is looking for schematics for (Systron/)Donner analog computers. Here is an
ad for the Donner 3400
which Peter Takacs, takacs at has to rebuild the early game computer.
Here is the Donner Programming Book
If you know of any forums to ask if anyone has schematics for these analog
computers, we all would be grateful.
William B. Higinbotham, Bellport, NY? USA
for the Systron Donner Analog computer 10/20
I have a small scanning queue at the moment
Dave Caroline