Bill Morgart said:
Does anybody have any info on
...(any 68k based wicat hardware)?
(Oh Sh*t, a Wicat.
I'm supposed to know something about Wicats.)
But seriously,
I picked one up about 1.5 years ago and haven't
tossed it nor it's "WCMS" OS documentation.
Rather Neat OS, about half way on the logarithmic
scale between MSDOS(ug) and VMS<g>.
Here's two rather lame offers, and more:
1./ Supply round trip postage and I'll loan
you selected Docs for a nontrivial while.
2./ I can probably contact our (retired) Wicat
expert and give him your number.
3./ If you develop a strong interest I may just
throw in mine for free.
John A.