From: chd_1 at
Brent Hilpert wrote:
Search for "dielectric absorption", or
look up "permittivity" in Wikipedia to
get an idea of just how complex capacitors are (!)
Bob Pease called this soakage.
There are actually two factors. Dielectric absorption is
one of them. The other is induced charge.
Others have described dielectric absorption.
Induced charge works like this. When the internal part
is discharged, it induces a charge on all the dust and
surfaces that are not covered with conductive paint.
These get a negative charge on them from doing this discharge.
Over time, this outside charge leaks to the conductive
surfaces, reinducing a positive back onto the internal
The two are factors. I've found that the induced charge
is a major factor. While holding the short, wiping all the
external surfaces reduces the charge that builds by quite
a bit.
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