Can anyone help me identify my latest PDP-11 rescue.
Not been able to
get a good look at it yet as it is in a room packed (and I mean packed)
with junk. Machine consists of a DEC Datasystems cab (about 35-40U with
a blue bottom panel, pretty similar to light blue cabs here:
I'm not familiar with the DEC Datasystems versions
of PDP-11s. Does
anyone have any background information on them?
Also, I'm pretty sure I've not lucked out and
found an 11/70 as no
toggle switch console, any ideas on what other models were fitted to
these cabs. I'm guessing 11/34.
That is an 11/70, but with the "remote diagnostics console". You will
find a M8255 KY11-RE in there to connect up a modem to give remote console
access. Probably hooked up to a modem that was owned by DEC maintenance
org and leased as part of the maintenance agreement. I'm sure that
sometimes they asked for the modem and console back if the maintenance
contract was terminated but as a practical matter I find that they hardly
ever reclaimed the equipment.