On Aug 2, 2021, at 11:11 AM, James Liu via cctech
<cctech at classiccmp.org> wrote:
Thanks for feedback and offers to assist. I received the tape from
one of the maintainers of Schoonship at CERN, and it was probably made
around 1978 at SLAC.
For some background, Tini Veltman developed Schoonship in the 1960's
at CERN on the CDC 6600. My understanding is that he more or less
insisted on coding in assembly since he thought FORTRAN or other high
level languages would just get in the way and slow things down.
Depending on what he was trying to do that may well be a valid assessment. CDC Fortran
was known to be pretty good, but Fortran is not the obvious answer for implementing
interpreters or other language processors, which this sounds like.
Some might argue with you about that. PL/M was done in Fortran IV.