Now that the TMA-11 controller is connected, the RK05
drive does not
spin up. When the 'Load' button is
pressed on the RK05, I do hear the door lock solenoid engage, but the
drive spin up. If the system is
powered down and the cable to the TMA-11 is disconnected, the drive
does spin up.
Any ideas on why the RK05 would refuse to spin up when connected to
the TMA-11? I am just looking
for some pointers to narrow my search.
IIRC, an RK05 will not spin up (and will retract the heads and spin down)
if ACLO or DCLO are asseted (I forget if it's just one of those signals,
or either of them), the idea being to shut the drive down safely if the
mains fails.
Could the TMA-11 be asserting these signals? If it has its own PSU (and I
would ahve thought it did), is it possible that this is failing in some
way and cuasing the singal to be asserted?