I've just gotten back from surgury and am still on some pretty heavy
meds,but I think the VT100 only came in white. The only options I can
remember are the AVO, PPO, 110/220v, and possibly the WPS kybd.
The white, green amber came with the 220 a,b,c and d,e,f., Vr201 and the 330
Which I have a few new ones yet.
Thanks, Paul
On 1/23/12, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
The genuine VT100 has a white phosphor IIRC, but
the VT640 I
say had a green phosphor CRT fitted.
All the DEC CRT terminals were available with customers choice of
green, white, or amber CRT's. Probably some other phosphors I didn't see
OK, that I didn't know, having never had the chance to buy a new terminal...
All the VT1xx's I've seen have had white phoophor. As have all VT220s
that I've seen. I think over hear VT3xx's were commonly amber.
The default phosphor was white for the VT100. My distant memory tells
me that VT100-LC was the order code for the green phosphor I liked best
(P31, long glow?).
I can understnad why yyou'd like that, I am using such a monitor at the
momnent (IBM 5151). But I'll bet if you turned 'smnooth scroll' on, it
was pretty unpleasant... Actually, was smooth scroll useful for anything
otyher than turning on on the terminals used by lusers who didn't know
how to turn it off?