Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:48:45 -0400> From:
tony.eros at> To: cctalk at; cctech at> CC:
> Subject: Comdyna GP-6, Minivac 601 documentation> > Does anyone have
documentation sets for either of these systems? I seem to recall a while back that someone
had a full set of Minivac manuals that were going to be scanned, but I never heard
anything more.> > Also, I recently picked up a GP-6 and am looking for a user's
guide or other operations manuals.> > Any assistance would be greatly
appreciated.> > -- Tony
Hi Tony
I just looked up some of what one needs to know.
If one jumpers the SW to the OP, the 4 push switches
control the intgrator action.
IC stands for Initial Condition ( you can put a specific start voltage
on the caps ).
HD stand for hold ( useful for taking reading of several outputs at the
same point in the simulation )
OP This is the normal operation with the integrators working from model
RO it the same as above except that it does a IC after some time
length ( specified by the rotory switch ).
The SW pin could also be controlled by some opamp or external
signal. There are three voltage levels that control initial condition,
hold and operate.
The web page also says how to connect the multipliers to opamps.
There are a number of control courses, at various universities, that
show how to configure the Comdyna.
The value of the resistor shown as 1 is 50K and the .1 is 5K.
Knowing this, one can use external resistors to extend the
setting used. Of course, the two pots in the center could
be used. The coef pots are useful for offsets, stimulous and
initial conditions.
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