When I worked at DuPont they disposed of an IBM "mCGA" monitor and display
card among some other parts that I could take from work if I wanted
them. The card came out of an IBM XT and the monitor looked pretty much
like a regular IBM CGA monitor except that it had more of a green tint to
the screen when powered off. In use it looked pretty much like a regular
CGA monitor but that might be because I was only interested in verifying
that I could view the RAM loading sequence upon boot up. I remember that a
regular CGA was not compatible with the card, and that's the reason I
originally set these two aside. We needed a "regular XT setup" more than
we needed a funky monitor. I assumed it was for CAD work. Haven't seen
once since. Anyone have info on this IBM CGA-like "mCGA" I can't
remember what the m stood for.
Bill D