On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 11:43 AM, Rich Alderson
<RichA at livingcomputermuseum.org> wrote:
Does the scanner have a setting to do row-major vs.
scanning? I ask from experience: When I was putting Tops-10 v6.03A
on our 1070, I had to have a fiche listing of VMSER.MAC scanned to
PDF. As you know, DEC FS fiche sheets are column-major, but the PDF
came back to me row-major. I had to print it out on 11x17 to reorder
the pages for typein.
Later, when I had the time, I used Acrobat to reorder the pages in
the PDF, but that was also a major PITA.
If need be, I'll write a program for Al to automatically transpose the
page ordering of the PDF.