William Donzelli wrote:
This is very true. Most programmers don't
preserve (at least for very long)
half-completed software -- even if it was never completed. (Well, Bill
Gates and WinBlows anything is an exception!!! ;-)
I really do not buy this point. Just about every software development
company I know of uses a revision control system to keep every bit of
working code that the programmers type out. This includes the hundreds
of tiny revisions that are made between releases, even the "dead-ends".
That's _formal, professional_ programmers with systems that support
revision control -- how much of the development for eight-bit micros
was done on systems without such formal structure back in the 70s,
early 80s? -- I'd wager a gagload.
Ward Griffiths
Dylan: How many years must some people exist,
before they're allowed to be free?
WDG3rd: If they "must" exist until they're "allowed",
they'll never be free.