On Sun, 2007-08-05 at 12:30 +0200, Holger Veit wrote:
Personally, I have been a Linux evangelist for long,
but that ideology
does not lead to anything rather than adding unnecessary complexity to
life. The lesson that you don't fix screws with hammers but with an
appropriate tool has yet to be learnt in computing. So I use Windows where
suited best, and Linux in other situations.
This is in danger of going wildly OT and into a flame-fest, so let's
leave it at this: I have absolutely no use for Windows apart from an
EPROM programmer that I paid 20 quid for on eBay. In this case, there's
not really a problem, because the software seems to work just fine in
Wine. I *do*, however, object to paying 400 quid to rent an operating
system that doesn't really work properly. Especially when it wants to
report all my personal data and the contents of my hard drive back to