On 10 Aug 2012 at 13:43, Fred Cisin wrote:
The old "well broken in" one, not the
factory demo!
Well, maybe not. Two of my co-workers at CDC had intimate experience
with 6600 SN/1. One fellow was fresh out of school--his first
assignment was to measure all of the twisted-pair taper-pin backplane
loops to which Seymour had attached a tag that said "TUNE". The
second fellow was a CE who had to service the thing. It apparently
had been "modified" a bit over the years so that (IIRC) the floating
divide instruction didn't give the same results as all of the other
6000s out in the field...
Doesn't CHM have at least part of S/N 1? That would certainly be a
head-scratcher when it came to servicing...