The Vintage Computer Festival Southeast (VCFSE) 2.0 is just five weeks from today! The
show, put on by the Atlanta Historic Computer Society (AHCS) and the Computer Museum of
America (CMofA), will take place in Roswell, GA on May 3 and 4. We selected those dates
to make it easy for people to attend both VCF East and VCF Southeast this year.
The venue will be the same CompUSA store building in Roswell GA as last year. This
year's exhibit space will be greatly enlarged over last year, occupying the whole
retail space of the store. About 2/3 of the space will be occupied by a museum display of
personal computing artifacts from the Kenbak 1 forward. The remaining 1/3 of the retail
space will contain hobbyist vintage computing exhibits. For those who missed last year or
who would like to see it again, the highly-acclaimed Apple pop-up museum from last
year's festival will again be available.
The popular retro-gaming area and introduction to soldering activity will be available
again. This year, we are also working to bring in a number of vendors, assemble a stellar
slate of speakers, and offer workshop experiences. Of course, the kids' scavenger hunt
will be back this year too.
For more information please visit We hope to see
you there!