ive aquired the collection
scotch tape fundamental of digital logic nv3020 format recording a-6-77
memorex raster formation i220evt-1 i220evt-2 compisit video nv-3020
scotch gama 11 nv-3020
scotch current sources logic symbology u551 evt-3 u-551-evt-1 part 1
sony v32 u551:evt-8, part 1 & most of part 2 ic families recordinga-6-77
scotch u-519-ev forced extinction c37 34mins
sony v32 u551evt-5 thyristors nv3020
sony v32 u551evt-4 unijunction transistors 25min nv3020
scotch u551evt-2 logic symbology part2
(think this is medical related as it was last taken out by one of the local
scotch cip studies un editted views are as follows
-1 gaten multiformate (10 or 12 views) 0000 0000 0000
-2 ant. cine (all 10 or 12 views sequentially)
-3 anterior e. systale + E. diastole viewed sequentially
-4 l.a.o. cine 5. l.a.o. , E. sys7ole + end distole
-5 thallium 3 views, + magnified
-6 polycystic liver 6 views + zoom views
use high contrast on monitor
scotch c-200:evt-1 part 1 of 2 46mins intro to the radio table - theory of
operation nv3020 2-77
scotch c-200:evt-1 part 2 of 2 30min intro to the radio table theory of
operation - nv3020 2-77
scotch u551-evt-6 op amps nv3020
sony v32 u-551-evt-8 (end) & u551-evt-9, part 1 digital building blocks
nv3020 6-77
sony v32 u551:evt-9, part 2 digital building blocks nv3020 6-77
what i have found in the box of tapes
On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Adrian Stoness <tdk.knight at gmail.com>wrote:
apears a vtr machean has come up with tapes on
programes ur altair anyone
interested in it noticed it on my local buy and sell site