Practically nonexistent. Even the bring-and-buy stand
(actually the
"charity stall" -- three or four tables in an L-shape, all proceeds
going to charity) at the 2005 Wakefield RISCOS Show was bigger than
that. (Though IIRC this was scrapped or at least severely downsized in
the more recent shows; can anyone confirm?)
The BP fleamarket seemed to be all BBC Model Bs, Sinclair Spectrums
and ZX81s. Starting prices around the ?50 mark..... yeesh. As I
understand it, it was all extras from the TNMoC collection, not a
I was dissapointed with this. Apparently the organisers had run out of
time to organise it, i for one would have bought a boot (trunk) full of
Personally, i think the future of an electronic/electrical flea market
is going to be on uncertain legal ground for any organiser in the UK,
perhaps there should be unofficial ones, that way the organiser isn't