Tim Shoppa wrote:
Typical costs for a flyback for a small monochrome
terminal range
from $35 (used pull) to $60 (from a TV-parts distributor).
If you find another VT220 with a good flyback but a weak CRT it's
fairly easy to swap CRT's or flybacks around in the "take two bad
VT220's make one good one" tradition.
Instead of swapping the flyback, just swap the whole circuit
board. Unless there are other faults on the one with the good
I've Frankenstined many VT220's and 320's, and it was usually
at the board swap level. I usually had many more "dead" units
to work from than I needed live ones. Customers switched to
PC units (with ckermit), and I don't think I have any VT units
in the field any more.